Monday, July 1, 2013

How Stephanie Came To Love Writing

Today I'm loving: Pomskies
and I'm listening to: Hurry Up We're Dreaming by M83

The first memory I have of enjoying writing was inspired by my sixth grade teacher, Mr. Van Meter. We were assigned the task of writing a short story which I recall completing with much enthusiasm. After our short stories were complete, Mr. Van Meter invited a published author to come in and give us each feedback. The author had a fluffy beard and complimented my work. Right then and there I decided I wanted to be a writer too.

And so began a life-long passion for writing. I became religious about writing in a journal. I started stories on notebook paper. Soon I had an entire binder filled with incomplete ideas.

When I was sixteen I had a fight with my parents and, a few days later, I began writing a story about a girl who finds out she was switched at birth. As I the story morphed from 1 page to 20, it became more about me finding a release for my emotions than actually interest in what I was writing. And then I noticed I had written over 100 pages and I thought to myself, Wow! Maybe I could actually finish this someday!

Fourteen years later I did finish that book. In fact, I finished it a mere four months ago. During those years it morphed from a story about a teenage girl who got what she wished for, to a story about a foster girl who meets her father for the first time and embarks on an epic journey through time. The only thing that I kept from that original idea was the main character's name: Miranda.

Binder filled with the stories I wrote throughout high school

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